Hello, after some profiling to understand why i’m having a performance problem, i’ve reached to the conclusion that the problem seems to be with the RenderViewFamily (from the stat SceneRendering) being around 25 ms. To test my theory I created an empty level where i have the player at 0,0,0 and i place 800 cubes (as separate actors not ISM) 5 meters in front of the player and a wall just 1 meter in front of the player big enough to block the cubes entirely to trigger occlusion culling. If i run the test stat InitViews says that all of the 800 cubes are occluded but i’m getting the 800 draw calls registered on the stat SceneRendering and although in this test it doesn’t affect performance much, on my game it tanks it because there are 8000 draw calls and most of them should not have gone through due to culling. Is there an option i can enable to prevent this from happening? If a mesh is occluded it shouldn’t send the draw calls to the renderer.
I’m experiencing this exact same issue. Shame no one was able to answer this question when it was originally posted. Maybe someone can now?