If you place an object say a sphere in the scene and slowly look away, you will notice that as the object leaves the camera view it stretches. This effect is easier to see with spheres. I’m curious as to why?
The wider your field of view, the more objects you need to fit into the screen. I’m not a pro in this stuff, but as I understand, the objects in the center seem farther away than with a narrower FOV, but things that are at the edge should still be at the edges, and so they have to be stretched to fit right in. It can probably be done the other way around: the edge object remain non-distorted, but the center objects would have to be constricted this way. But the center objects have higher priority than peripheral, so they should stay non-distorted.
Actually, the standard 90-degree FOV is probably the best in terms of vision/stretch ratio. You can barely notice the stretching.
Thank you, I can see what you mean. If i use a 90-degree FOV the effect is diminished. It was one of those of things that once you notice its hard to “un-notice”!