I have a blueprint where it will display an inventory when i click the I button. It disables keyboard and mouse movement and enables the cursor. If I click anywhere in this view and then click I again to turn off the inventory mode, in order to start being able to move the camera around again with my mouse i have to click first. How do I prevent this?
Do you use PIE? Try running standalone or at least in separate viewport, this should fix it.
Quick edit: that has something to do with Slate and window focus, pretty much expected result in PIE, as far as i know.
when i click play i run from the hud blueprint window. it opens it in a full screen separate viewport. is this what you are talking about?
Yeah, exactly. So that issue is present in the separate viewport as well?
Try calling this once your inventory is closed.
Everything I have done is in blueprints. I haven’t touched any c++ code. Will I have to in order to fix this?
Oh, sorry, just noticed the question is in Blueprints category, my bad.
I think Slate is not exposed to Blueprints, so i’m not aware of the solution to this problem available for Blueprints.
Try checking Content Examples demo HUD Example level, this might have a solution to this.