As you can see, I used a simple example to show my problem. I just turn on the timer on the server through an RPC event that fires projectiles.
I also turned off replication in projectile so that they did not spawn on the client.
And so on the client I have the same number of actors, but the FPS drops, why?
Hey RutzoT,
Your timer is set to 0.01 And it is looping. This means it is spawning a new First-person projectile every 0.01 second.
Try setting it to a value like 0.5 (Half a second) or 1(One Second).
Hey Rene Zwaan,
I specifically set such a value so that the difference is better seen.
Thanks for the answer, but I figured it out. It turned out that in the build version of the version there is no such problem, and the client and server have their own FPS, as it should be.