Hi, I’m using a source built 4.13.1 version and everything was going great, I migrated a few more particle fx to my project and now I can no longer click Maps&Modes without it crashing to Desktop/crash report. Rather stumped as to why those are making it behave this way… Even if I remove their folders from content folder in my files, no luck.
Not even removing my Maps folder helps. Edit Fixed, my reply to is the fix to this incase anyone else ever gets this problem.
Hi Kyota94,
- Does this occur in a clean, blank project with no additional content or is it limited to one project?
- Have you changed or altered any engine code? If so what changes have you made?
- Have you tried re-building the editor?
- What steps can I take to recreate this on my end?
- Can you post your crash logs here? They can be found in the \Unreal Projects\PROJECTNAME\saved\logs\ folder.
- Can you post your callstack here after getting the crash?
Limited to one project, and just happened for first time ever. No Engine Code Changes. Have done this exact process before with complete success so again, not sure why adding afew more particle projects changed anything. I was thinking about rebuilding editor, but was not sure if that would affect the project itself. As for recreating this, if you can see my Vault Contents, start with 4.12.5, make a new blank project, add/migrate the 4.12 stuff I bought,Fix up redirectors, then update that to 4.13 using convert in place( never gives me problems ) Then switch your 4.13 projects to sourcebuilt for later migration(The ones that require “Create Project” Instead of “Add to Project”). Make a new blank 4.13 project, add the rest of the vault using Add to Project, then switch that over to sourcebuilt. Migrate all of those into a single project for Complete Ease of Access(I hate opening more than 1 project at a time, even at 4.26ghz pc can’t take it well with Shader Compiles)then fix up redirectors/save. If you have a broken project that does not let editor launch, cut out the core folder then paste it in your new project’s contents, voila. Has saved mine afew times. Don’t forget to copy over the inputs from said project, along with defaultengine.ini stuff. Aaaaannnd…wow. It’s working again o.O I’m tired of these random bugs that fix themselves ;-; lol By random bugs, For example, I get 4 compile errors upon doing this for restoring a broken game, only to find out…if I fix those…I’m actually breaking my stuff. By leaving it alone, it goes away for the rest of said Editor Session, and works perfectly.(This was painfully found out 4 attempts later) Packages and everything. Edit At maps and modes, it was a bad variable on an enemy test character that was loaded on some of my maps, deleting character in content fixed it.
I’m happy to hear you were able to resolve the error you were experiencing. I am marking this as answered for tracking purposes.
Sounds good, major thanks for the swift response though! =)