Why directional light passes through BSP cube?

Hello everybody, Im new to UE and built a small scene, its a cave and the only light inside will go through small holes in the ceiling. I placed the entire scene inside a hollow BSP cube and made some holes, in a attempt to help me get the light done, but the BPS cube is not dark inside, even when its 100% closed.

What am I doing wrong? I cant understand what is going on and how stop the light from bleeding inside.

Most likely what you’re doing wrong is using BSPs.

No one ever likes hearing that, but the fact is that BSP is unsupported by many of Unreals features, including Lumen. BSPs don’t generate mesh distance fields, and they’re unsupported by hardware raytracing so they cannot shadow the skylight. If you’re using Lumen, light leak is basically unavoidable.

You can try converting it to a static mesh from the right click menu (if it is still in UE5)

Yeah, Im using UE5 and that did the trick. I converted to static mesh and the light stopped bleeding through!

Its a shame because I have to keep repeating the process (move the meshes, convert and see the illumination result), its not as interactive as I thought it would be… but its still better than move dozens of smaller boxes around, trying to open/close small gaps from where I want the light to come through and light the scene! Thanks for the help!