Why did the N-Display lauch fail? (fatal error failed to load UnrealED class)

Hello there,

I am trying to launch the NDisplay starter content project on a single PC with multiple Screens. Following the QuickStart instructions (https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Engine/Rendering/nDisplay/QuickStart/index.html) I could package the project without problems. Just after starting the project via NDisplay Launcher I get the following Error:

__Fatal error: [File:D\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\LaunchEngineLoop.ccp] [Line: 3221]
Failed to load UnrealED Engine class ‘/Script/DiplayCluster.DisplayClusterGameEngine’.

While the starting process definitely reaches the NDisplay Listener I get the error for each screen.

In the following comment someone mentioned checking whether the NDisplay plugin is enabled, which I checked.


Is there anything I missed? Is there something I should change in the DefaultEngine.ini file?

Thank you all for your help