I am using a source built UE4 because I wanted to compile a stand alone server.
In visual studio I went to build-> project only -> clean <Myproject name> It started cleaning and when It was done I hit build->Build solution and it started to build engine modules.
While I only cleaned the game project build so why it needs to build the whole engine again?
I think it maybe because I didn’t use build->project only -> build<project Name> but still that dosen’t mean it should build everything from scratch , that takes hours.
The engine is always included in the ‘solution’, so you have to build the project instead, more specificially, the VS project of your Unreal Engine game.
You can clean an individual project by using the Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Clean.bat script. As far as I remember the argument you need to provide is the project name.
Or in you Visual Studio project solution.
Right click on your project/ game name.
And press Project Only > and select (Rebuild Only Project Name, Clean Only Project Name). and so 4th.
You should run clean because Visual Studio generates XML data for linking.
And this do not get deleted when you only delete Intermediate folders as they are saved in “.\User” and/or “.%AppData%” (for Windows users).
In most cases this will not be an issue but I personally avoid it just to be safe.
Ctrl + Pause Break should stop the build, which can be handy if you’ve accidentally started a build/clean of the entire engine - you can sometimes catch it in time and prevent a disaster
While this allows me to rebuild my Unreal project without needing to compile any engine modules from my UE5 source build on Linux, it still compiles hundreds of engine modules the next time I try to package the project.