Why Can’t The Flying Example Ship Do A Loop? When you try to do a loop it goes to the point of going straight up and then starts to do some odd barrel roll movement. I remember there was a biplane game that one of the artist built and it looked like a more true example of flying than this one.
I’m also really confused about why the ship just flies forward with no input. I’m just trying to figure blueprints out, but I do get that it looks at the current time tick and adds a value to the forward momentum. I would really like to tie that to a button press, I also want the speed to go to zero so I can land the craft as well.
The other thing I would like to do is have the model bank to the left and the right when turning. Anyone want to help show a blueprint challenged artist how it is done? Thanks in advance for any help (currently watching UE4 blueprint video series trying to learn as much as possible as soon as possible !)
Why Can’t The Flying Example Ship Do A Loop? When you try to do a loop it goes to the point of going straight up and then starts to do some odd barrel roll movement.
Gimbal Lock. This is a well documented problem:
The problem is that the blueprint is using Euler angles with vectors and rotators, the solution is to adopt quaternions instead - which are not currently properly supported by Blueprints for reasons many of us have not been able to fathom; and if it were exposed you’d likely need to change a fair bit of the movement setup in the Blueprint. There is an absolutely solid description of how to handle these degrees of freedom here (note that the code is UnrealScript as it is for a previous iteration of the engine, but the technique does translate quite well into UE4 in theory). http://www.preparefordescent.com/docs/6DOF_UnrealScript_Tutorial_ini.pdf
I don’t have the blueprint example you’re describing to hand, so I can’t answer the other half of your question - but depending on the first half of your aims, this may have unfortunately rendered the second half redundant since it’s not actually that easy to do in blueprints - and it’s very math heavy.
Ambershee, thanks for the explanation. Much appreciate. I do understand about gimal lock from my time setting up characters in Maya, I never thought that would be an issue inside of UE4 at least for movement
(rotation) in world space.
Here is the example that I was speaking of. I believe that Epic artist Shane Caudle is the one that created this. From what I remember, he said he created this with with blueprint. (Edit I just found a video that shows some of the blueprint for this…wish Epic would release this demo.)
Just wanted to reach out to the community one last time on this one and see if anyone had an idea on how to produce the movement shown in the videos listed above via blueprint. Thanks again Ambershee for the help on the topic.
In case of an non gravity flying pawn this works. if you just disabe “Set Current Role Speed” on Move Right event, it will also disbale the automatic back rotation.