Why can't mousewheelup and mousewheeldown respond to wheel events in UMG?

couldn’t you use
MouseWheelAxis() event which has a float as an argument
a MouseWheelUp() event which has exec pins for Pressed and released with a Key struct

and work with these on the event graph itself.

the MouseWheelAxis() seems the most relevant as you can test against the float value (determining what that means if need be).
the MouseWheelUp() event would be for if you wanted to know specifically when it started vs when it stopped.

How do I determine wheel scaling and zooming in the UUserWidget::OnMouseWheel event?

Gets you -1 or 1.


This is a widget, so no. You could use Enhanced Input these days, though. I guess you can work in mouse events but if you can easily get the delta…

EI is waay better actually because a single event would produce all updates you’ll need and handles priority and such.

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mouseWheel.zip (37.7 KB)

Thank you, but the project won’t open.

How do I get MouseWheelUp event notification in UMG?

That’s providing that mouse button went down first for this widget and we are not clicking a native widget button. The above would detect releasing the middle mouse button which is usually a clickable mouse wheel.

The ask here is slightly confusing as you have Detect Drag if Pressed inside the On Mouse Button Up event. Sounds like you want to start dragging when you release the middle mouse click - could be fine, just ever so slightly uncommon.

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