Why can't min draw distance of a HLOD be edited?

I am using HLOD for our mobile project, the engine appears to automatically control both the draw distance and the poly count of the HLOD Proxy Mesh.

What I would like to do is have the HLOD Proxy render at a closer distance, but NOT be regenerated to be higher resolution.

Could you point us in the direction of the code that decides how far away the LOD should be rendered so we can change the values to be more appropriate for a Mobile game?



Hi Andrew,

The min draw distance is locked to the HLOD Outliner Window where you can select and change the Draw distance there for the HLOD Levels, but not for a specific HLOD actor.

From what I see you shouldn’t need code directly to adjust this.

  • Open the HLOD Outliner Window (File > Window >)
  • Bottom panel LODSystem you can select the HLOD Level X
  • Mesh Generation Settings > Transition Screen Size

As you adjust the screen size there, if you have an HLOD actor selected in the scene you can see this value change via the details panel as well as you adjust it up or down.
