Why can't I start my game?

When i enter my game it loads to a certain point and crashes how do i fix that, i played it 4 days ago and it was all fine, now i cannot enter it and cannot play it

Hey there, we’re gonna need a lot more information to be able to help you. Send a screenshot of the crash and send the log file in the Saved\Logs folder.

this is my problem to , when I start the game its crash every time after the last patch

What do u need exactly for information to help us? i#ve the sam eproblem ;((

same problem please help us

Check the log in the Saved\Logs folder.

How i can send this folder???

Where did u find this log?
In my logFolder are only cef3.log but this one is too small to post it

Is this what you want me to send?

something else you need?

Try clicking the gear beside the launch button and press verify, I had the same problem and it worked after I did that.

still not working tried that 2 times