Why can't I set the default value on an actor variable?

Hey Guys i’am trying to recreate one of the example Projects and cant seem to set the default value on an actor variable.

here is the example project compared to mine

even if i create a blank project and try to create an actor variable i cant edit its default value?
am i doing somthing majorly wrong?

also the variable i create also seems to have an extra disable edit on template flag

any help would be appreciated.

seems like other people are also having same problem

Just compile. After compiling the default value should be changeable. :slight_smile:

it was compiled. i uploaded a photo with just a actor variable in the scene and still no good. iam having this problem with other variables as well. i think it maybe something to do with the disable edit on template flag CPF_disableeditontemplate?
any ideas

I also encountered this problem. I had to change ‘Actor’ to ‘Object’ to make it work.

What do you intend to choose as the default value? Is it an Actor class OR An Actor instance?

PS: try placing an instance of you blueprint in the level and then see if you can pick an Actor as default value

I have this same problem

You aren’t supposed to select the object you want to reference in the Blueprint Editor, but instead in the details panel of the main Editor window.

Also, there is no longer any ActorName_C or any refernce types to choose from. Instead, you now choose a reference of a type…


One last thing, to be able to set the referenced object in the details panel, you must have both marked the variable as public, and editable.

I just had the same problem. I’m posting my solution in case none of the above answers help those experiencing the issue.

In my case the BP and the actor were assigned to different levels. It seems reasonable that to be able to reference an actor from a BP they both should be in the same level. After moving the actor to the same level as the BP I was able to reference it.

Which level an actor is assigned to can be seen in the World Outliner by clicking on the small triangle in the second column and choosing Level. If you’re experiencing this issue you probably already know how to do this, but in case anyone is unaware of it, to move the actor to a level do the following:

  • Make sure Levels window is open (Main menu / Window / Levels)
  • Double click on the desired level in the Levels window to make it the current level
  • Right click on that same level and choose Move Selected Actors to Level

Japanese Translation

Had same problem, no idea why, but restarting Unreal Engine fixed it.

I am having the same problem. I am migrating a build system into an inventory system but can not set the default value for the inventory reference