Why can't I see my 2D sprites?

Whenever I launch to an Android device I don’t see any sprites that are usually visible when testing in the editor.

I looked at my logs and received this for each of my sprites, what am I missing that’s causing this?

LogTexture:Display: Building textures: twittericon3 (AutoETC1)
LogTextureCompressor:Warning: Failed to find compressor for texture format ‘AutoETC1’.
LogTexture:Warning: Failed to build AutoETC1 derived data for /Game/2DSideScrollerBP/Textures/twittericon3.twittericon3

Hello cryptokeirency,

I have a bit of information that I need from you.

What device are you currently using? It could be that your device is not compatible with ETC1.

How are you packaging out? Are you packaging to AndroidETC1?

With this information I can start narrow down how this issue is occurring.

Thank you,

I am using a Alcatel OneTouch as a test device currently, I’m not actually packaging it at all, I’m just launching it to the device as far as I know.

Hello cryptokeirency,

We are currently testing this issue on a device on our end. I will get back to you as soon as I know more.

Hello cryptokeirncy,

Our team has tested 2D sprites in a test project. What we did was create a new blank project in 4.8 and added the 2D sprites from the Learning project to the new one. Then we launched to a nexus 5. We could see the sprites. I would check to see if your sprites are set up correctly to be drawn as sprites in the new project.

This is our documentation on 2D sprites :

If you would like I can try and look at your project on my computer so that I am looking at your unique sprites. That way I can compare them to our examples and see if there are any conflicting settings. Please let me know what you would like to do.

you have to rebuild the engine with Development Editor for Win64 after you installed the Android SDK to solve Failed to build AutoETC1 error. then perhaps the problem solved.