Why can't i render a sequence with a media player track correctly?


I’m trying to render a sequence with a media player track, basically just a video playing on a plane. On ‘Play’ everything works as intended but when i try to render a movie from the sequencer it basically ignores my CineCameraActor and renders from a random point in the level, not following the sequence.

I’m aware that media player and sequencer dont always get along. I’m playing both video and audio as media tracks, trying to render both to video and png sequence, added warm-up frames, etc. but nothing works, does anyone know any other option to try?

You need to add a Camera Cut Track to the Sequence which tells Sequencer which camera to render from. You should add the camera to Sequencer (by dragging it from the World Outliner to Sequencer) and then change the properties of the Camera Cut section to point to that camera.


guess, this is solved? however you need to add a “Media Track” to your sequence. and then also right click go into its properties and add additionally to the media player the movie file that should be played.

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I’m experiencing the same issue but even when I add the media to the sequence it still doesn’t play the movie on a flat wall texture that I attached the video too. I think it has something to do with a Wallmedia Blueprint class that calls the video to play when the sequence render happens

It seems like you’re facing issues with rendering a sequence that includes a media player track in Unreal Engine. Ensure your CineCameraActor is set as the active camera in the sequencer. Double-check your sequencer settings, and consider using a Movie Render Queue for more control over rendering. Check Unreal Engine forums or documentation for specific troubleshooting related to your version.

I’m finding that UE5 won’t do a lot of what is touted that it can do. Rendering for film cinematics is one of those things it won’t do. Plugins and ffmpeg added to the engine and still it won’t render audio with the video. 0- why? no one knows why and there are no work arounds that I have found so far - - so unreal can’t really do it all?? that’s what I’m finding more and more. I’m going to try this: render just like I normally would with AppleProRes and then in another software, add the audio track and produce the film. Let you know if it works…but I am really done with Davinci and .exr and trying to work around a problem that Unreal should have remedied over the past two versions. Lamenting and ranting but UEDev never addresses this issue with rendering sound.

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