Why can't I get UE4Editor file?

I can’t build UE4 under Ubuntu, tried different versions of Ubuntu, different derivatives of Ubuntu.

The problem is:

./UE4Editor: No such file or directory


Run make without “ARGS=-clean”. And read A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums attentively.

Why without cleaning? How this can make difference ?

“-clean” argument is for cleaning only. It is not for “clean and build”.

One man said that he always had successful build with “clean”.

Solved here: Ubuntu 14.04 can't build: UBT ERROR - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums

Which version of UE4 are you using? It seems you created already the project files so you can use make without any parameters

  1. In the root folder of UnrealEngine, run the command: make
  2. Wait because it will take long time to compile editor
  3. Go into the subfolder Engine/Binaries/Linux
  4. Start: ./UE4Editor