The situation is you have two NPCs walk up and punch the TPC. In the first half of the video you see there is no reaction by the TPC to their punches. This is with the check being on, looking for the punch state. However you can see by the print string on the video that the “NPCATTACKSTATEENUM” seems to be working properly.
BUT, as you see in the second half of the video, the enum check is off and the TPC responds to their punches.
I don’t get this, all I can figure is there must be a syncronization or timing issue. But attempts to put delays with the set and or with the check at small intervals have not proven successful.
Here is the ENUM.
What do you think is happening here? What I’m trying to do is make the detection more selective…is it a punch, kick or other…so that stuff like just walking through an NPC doesn’t trigger false hits / reactions by the TPC.
Any help is appreciated, thank you.