However, it doesn’t seem to be working even in the simplest case. I have a blueprint for a structure that I spawn during gameplay and I set up a test “main game” blueprint that right now that only attempts to fire events when told to by other blueprints. I did this after reviewing Tappy Chicken and liking how everything was stuffed in a main game blueprint as opposed to the level blueprint (as I expect to have multiple levels)
Here’s my structure blueprint’s simple chain to fire that event:
You figure this out yet? From the looks of things it looks like you need to post more information. I see nothing wrong with what you have posted.
Maybe your reference to TestMainGameVar is not valid?
so in the editor did you actually select a reference to a real world “TestMainGame” bp on the chain bp? I saw you exposed it but the only reason I can think it wouldn’t run is if you didn’t actually populate it to a real reference.
Nope, not this way. And I don’t have any errors or anything that I can really show. This is literally all there is for now. I wanted to get it working in the simplest way possible first.
Figured this out. To do what I want to do, I made a GameState. Inside these structure blueprints, I Get GameState and cast that to my specific game state so I can run its custom events. Seems to be working just fine. Thanks for the help.