Why cant I generate visual studio project files

Hi Nicholas,

thanks for your answer, but I think you’re confusing something? No one here used Linux, the question is asked regarding Windows and your commands that you posted are also for Windows (I’m quite sure you don’t use a UnrealBuildTool**.exe** on Linux :wink: ).

So I am using the same OS like @rfw7755 and @Quexlaw and I’m seeing the 100% same issue, I think creating a new question would not make sense? It’s best to keep discussion about 1 issue in 1 thread.

I have also heard from others that this bug in UBT seems to be fixed in 4.21, but no one could tell me which commit fixed it.

I think but I have not really tested it that the command you are looking for should be something like this: "Drive:/Path/To/UE4/Engine/Binaries/DotNet/UnrealBuildTool.exe" -projectFiles -project="Drive:/Path?to/Your/Project/Project.uproject" -game -engine -2017


Thank you! I couldn’t generate .sln file for Oculus-hand-train-sample with Oculus 4.27.2 fork and msvs 2022. Other solutions does not work for me
.sln file was generated after I add -game -engine to the end of the command

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