transientanima@earth:~/Unreal$ sudo git clone -b 4.11
[sudo] password for transientanima:
Cloning into 'UnrealEngine'...
Username for '': transientanima
Password for '':
remote: Repository not found.
fatal: repository '' not found
Also tried this and entered the wrong github password to make sure I was appropriately authorized on their end… but that throws a different error, so I’m sure that this is NOT a password problem, at least with Github.
My github username is transientanima. My Epic Games profile GITHUB ACCOUNT NAME field says “transientanima”.
When you go to the following link, do you see Unreal Engine as a link?
If not, you will need to check the email account you used to sign up to Github with and make sure, after linking your Unreal and GitHub accounts, have an email with the subject “EpicTeamAdmin added you…” This email will have instructions to follow to join the Epic Games group.
If all of that is set and you still get errors, please try using the following from your terminal:
Where ‘branch’ is the branch you want to use (in this case 4.11) and ‘folder’ is the folder you want the engine to be located in. Note that if the folder doesn’t exist, it will be created in the location where your terminal is currently looking.
You or whoever else sent me the necessary invite are/is my hero!
I did not see a link at first, but it appeared after I joined the group, at which point the git command also started working.
Much appreciated… I’m interested in playing around to see how much can really be done with this engine… never had free access to a high-level IDE before…
I am facing the same issue. I got an email that my Github is successfully connected. But I never got an invite and I don’t see Epic Games under my organizations to join. Can someone help me with the invite please?