Why can't I find a cast node in editor?


So I’m going through UMG Tutorial, and currently I’m on “Experience Bar and Hotbar Button”, “Generating Experience and Finishing Up” section, number 3 saying “Off As My Character C pin, Get GameHUDWidget (our Widget Blueprint) and Cast To GameHUD.”

However, it’s completely impossible to Cast To GameHUD as no casting options appear. What I have tried: Restarting engine; turning on experimental new blueprinting menuing system (and then turning it on and off again), and then restarting engine; and checking on and off Context Sensitive. Thus, nothing I do seems to work. Cast To GameHUD option (or any casting options, for that matter) are simply not present. What to do?

I truly hope I’ve just overlooked a little thing that’ll fix it, haha :slight_smile:

(Also, on another, but sightly related note, throughout creation of Health, Energy and Ammo HUD, engine has crashed 6-7 times - for your information.)

What it looks like

Casting to GameHUD in this case is redundant, since you already have a reference to GameHUDWidget. It looks like in 4.5.1, that step is no longer necessary (and no longer possible). Instead, it should look like this:

If you are experiencing crashes, you should open a new post in Bug Reports section with your crash log so we can take a look.

Hope that helps!

, thanks a bunch for quick answer! solution worked perfectly. However, already four steps down, on point 7 where it says: “Right-click and add a 1 key press event, drag in GameHUDWidget variable and off it, Cast To GameHUD.” I can’t cast to gameHUD. Again, I tried all different solutions I listed in my first message.

What to do? :slight_smile:

Same solution. In that particular case, your H_LevelUp variable should already exist in your GameHUD Blueprint. Drag off GameHUDWidget and search for variable by name. Again, there’s no need (and no way) to cast to a Blueprint from a reference to that Blueprint. GameHUDWidget was already set as a reference on EventBeginPlay node.

Thank you a great big bunch! Now everything works perfectly :smiley: