I’m trying to create a function I can call from C++ to deliver an array of structs to a blueprint. If I declare the function with a single instance of the struct, it works fine:
UFUNCTION(Category = "Cutscene", BlueprintCallable, BlueprintImplementableEvent)
void ProcessBlocking(FCutsceneBlockingData blocking);
However, changing it to an array produces a compiler error, to wit “error C2511: ‘void ACutscenePlayer::ProcessBlocking(const TArray &)’: overloaded member function not found in ‘ACutscenePlayer’”.
UFUNCTION(Category = "Cutscene", BlueprintCallable, BlueprintImplementableEvent)
void ProcessBlocking(TArray<FCutsceneBlockingData> blocking);
That sounds to me like it’s finding a second function named ProcessBlocking and trying to use my newly-declared one as an override, not a new and original method. I’ve verified that nothing else is named ProcessBlocking, and changing the function name to something weird like “TestFunction1101” produces the same error, so I know it’s not an issue with the name… is there an obvious problem with the way I’m doing this?