Why can't apply material to landscape in ue5?

Hello, I’m using UE5.01 ( version details: 5.0.1-19764885+++UE5+Release-5.0).

I tried to add a simple material to my new landscape but failed.
See picture below, after applying M_Brick_Clay_New, it didn’t show anything on the landscape.

Then, I tried to choose a sub-block of this landscape and did the same. It looks good!

Could somebody give some help? Thank you!

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I have the same problem. For now, I just select the proxies and apply the material to them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

@pixoloco Thanks for the information. Yes, I’m currently using it as a work-around for the moment.

How do your paint layers look?

@Pheonix00 Thanks for your help! After adding some layers in my material and adding them in Landscape mode → paint, it looks working for me now.

No problem, please set your question to resolved so it can help others too.