Why can I not access the value of a Class Reference in a struct?

Hello! I am trying to create a save/loading system for a prototype I am building for a first person dungeon crawler. However, I cannot access the class that I need to save it to the save file. It returns null when I attempt to save, even though in game, the ability button it is referencing shows with a print string that it’s not null and that the value is valid. Are class references not able to be accessed via structs? If so, is there a way around this? AFAIK I cannot look up a class reference with a string. I attached some images to illustrate better what is going on. Thank you to anyone who can help. :3

Oops, I feel stupid. The reason it was pulling null was because there was an old duplicate I forgot to delete instead of pulling from the current version of the hotbar. Since the duplicate had no data, of course it would appear null when attempting to save any data. The hotbar is saved and loaded correctly now.