Hi, I have a 2017x2017 landscape with foliage and actors on it. Everytime I build lighting, it stuck at 0% and my computer is practically unusable. I think UnrealLightmass process is using so much memory that the virtual memory paging is making the harddrive spin all the time and Windows just can’t handle it.
Anyway to make build lighting uses less memory ? I don’t mind even if it will take longer time, atleast I can still use the computer.
It may seem like the light build is “stuck” at 0 but with large landscapes, especially if there is foliage and other geometry that are casting shadows on the landscape can take a while to build.
It is important to remember to use a Lightmass Importance Volume that covers any playable areas. You can watch the light build in progress by going to the task manager (bottom right) and clicking on the swarm agent icon (orange and black) to open up swarm agent. You’ll see the progress happening. You can be sure that it’s working by clicking the log tab and see what’s reported.
Building lighting for such large landscapes is NOT recommended (use other methods, and only bake for other structures), I’ve also found the light baking engine in UE4 to only work when it chooses and to be VERY buggy, I decided to do a test and leave UE4 open for just over a month, and it was still at 0% building lighting on a 12 core (24 thread) cpu.
Consensus is to not bother and to use something like MentalRay or VRay to bake the lightmaps and import them in, it’s more work but it means you can rely on it working 100% of the time and to not just “break” when it decides and potentially corrupt the project while it’s at it.