Why blueprint actor disappears when rendered in sequencer and movie render queue?

Currently I have a blueprint actor (a car), containing a few static meshs and a few lights, and a sequence filming the car moving. The animation works perfectly in cinematic viewport preview. However, when I tried to render the sequence into jpg using both Sequencer and movie render queue, the static mesh in that blueprint class disappear in the exported movie (those lights are still impacting the world).

I am curious to know why this happens and how could I solve that. Thank you very much.


Go in the BP editor and make sure all the mesh components are set to static.



You can’t have movable meshes in the video renders? that’s like the entire point of videos though… to see objects move…

I am also having the same issue. I have rigged my vehicle using a proxy e.g. - rigged the wheels and used a flat rectangle as the body. I then added the body to my CarBP as a static mesh set parent socket to the root. Turning my mesh (Body) to static instead of movable causes errors in my log -

“AttachTo: ‘/Engine/Transient.World_16:PersistentLevel.CarBP_C_0.VehicleMesh’ is not static (in blueprint “CarBP”), cannot attach ‘/Engine/Transient.World_16:PersistentLevel.CarBP_C_0.StaticMesh’ which is static to it. Aborting.”
Still haven’t resolved why the vehicle disappears in my render but shows correctly in sequencer.

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This doesnt work for me.

I have used the take recorder to record a driving sequence in my level. Everything shows as it should in the level sequence but when I render using movie render queue the CarBP disappears from the scene.

Making my mesh Static causes issues with my rig. Making the car undrivable.

Hi all, I struggled to figure this out for 2 weeks but have finally found the solution.

Once you have recorded your take and you have made your sequence change the collision settings in the ‘MESH’ section of your Vehicle BP to “no collision”. Now render the animation.

This does work. However, if you find that you still don’t see your vehicle BP make sure you have deleted the BP from your level. Have your original BP and your Sequencer BP on the same level causes the engine confusion and you’ll find if you have a camera further away that your vehicle will be floating around space.

Once you have deleted the BP from your level you should be fine.

I never had this issue in the past so I was quite perplexed about this.

I hope this helps anyone that comes across this issue in the future.

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My character kept doing it no matter what
I set everything to no collision and it’d fall down through the floor
So i just looped Move component to and forced the character to remain in the location and now it works!