Why aren't my camera shake oscillation blend ins/outs working properly?

Based off what I’ve seen on camera shake BP tutorials, oscillation blend ins and blend outs will allow your camera shake to fade in and out. However, no matter what I do with my camera shakes, the blends appear to be totally bugged.

For instance, if I want my camera shake to last 10 seconds and fade out for 5 seconds, I’ll set the duration to 10 and the blend out to 5, and stretch out the camera shake to 10 seconds long in my Sequencer window.

If I input these values, the camera shake starts, stops halfway through, then starts again about 2 seconds before the duration is over. Why are my blend outs not working like they should? I’ve been stuck on this issue for days.

I found out to make sure its blend ins/outs work properly.
You need enough time length in the sequencer camera shake track.
Make sure the time length >= duration+blend in+blend out