why does things like this: Winter Nature in Environments - UE Marketplace has no Mac support? I don’t understand that? What is the technical reason?
I’m from Unity and there you can use every asset on every platform.
why does things like this: Winter Nature in Environments - UE Marketplace has no Mac support? I don’t understand that? What is the technical reason?
I’m from Unity and there you can use every asset on every platform.
probably because it has tesselation in it which mac doesn’t support.
Ah ok, thank you It’s to bad that the engine doesn’t put the quality down automatically like Unity does. This is very helpful.
Never assume will not work on Mac if not listed. Maybe author of the package just not tested it on the Mac also sometimes ‘Supported Platforms’ is completely wrong.
Supported platforms means the developer actually tested it on a given platform. As MSTF mentioned, the absence of a platform doesn’t mean it won’t work. It only means the developer never personally tested it.
Oh ok, that sounds good