Why are the flaming chairs falling through the landscape?

Hey everyone, I’m pretty new to unreal engine and am taking a game design class. For one of our milestones we need to create a shooting mechanic that shoots flaming chairs. I was able to create the chairs and everything on that end seems fine. The issue I’m having is that when I shoot the chairs, they just fall through the landscape like it’s not there. I’m not sure where to look to fix this so any help would be great! Thanks in advance!

Probably no collision.


It was the collision that I needed to change to BlockAll. I’m still learning all of this but thanks for sharing that info!

Actually there was a bit in the tutorial that he overlooked, he made the collision object the child of the projectile. Its a common oversight, the video shows a bit quick - but its covered in my Announcements. Glad he came here - but also if you are in GAM 207 read my Announcements each week (or ask your teacher :slight_smile:

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