Why are parts of my weapon mesh disappearing when I zoom my camera?

What i want: http://puu.sh/9jutd/f37bfddf1d.jpg
What i get: http://puu.sh/9jzGk/c1a8da46f0.jpg

When i zoom my camera in about all weapons or anything it somehow a part of it disappears…
Help… D:

Hey Meowzie,

It looks like your camera is clipping through your weapon mesh. Try adjusting position of your camera when it zooms so that it is a little further above your weapon.


Sorry to mention that, but i tried that… and entire scope is gone + a huge portion of rest of gun.
It wont matter how i ajust it, it somehow clips trough mesh like few CMs…

Hey Meowzie,

What are you using to zoom? Would you mind showing us appropriate Blueprints’ EventGraph and Component hierarchy? Thanks!

Just changing player pawn camera relative location forward as i use FPP_animationblueprint for gun to Target, am i doing it wrongly? i thought it was a good way though

Go to your Project SettingsGeneral Settings and set Near Clip Plane to 3.

tyyyyyy D: