Why are none of the Actor Mesh Widgets showing up in UE5? (Help)

I’m just learning to use Rig Rail and in the tutorial the rig rail looks like this , whereas my rig rail doesn’t look like that at all. Ive tried adding Camera Crane, Camera Shake actor, etc to the scene and these actors are also not being visualised by their mesh in the viewport. All i get for each one is the standard move/scale/rotate widget, but it is not attached to anything, almost lilke a null. Any idea why this is happening?

I tried verifying UE5 in case it hadnt installed these Actors properly, but it didnt help. Any suggestions?

Working in UE5.2

Have you tried pressing G? ( in edit mode, click on the viewport and then press G ).

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thanks for getting back. It seems like UE5 was corrupted in some way. I closed it and noticed there was some issue in the Epic library, so i let it tun and now it’s working. I did check all that before, but for some reason it loked fine. I wouldnt have asked if the issue was there last night and this morning. thanks again

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