Why are my vehicle's wheels sideways

Under VehicleMovement, the wheels I added are sideways when I open the showdebug vehicle. I’ve been looking for a way to change this but it looks like i can only offset them. as far as I can tell this is the only thing preventing my vehicle from moving since steering and acceleration shows up fine on the graphs. What can i do to rotate them or is there something else that is causing this to happen?

I haven’t worked with the vehicle system yet, but maybe rotate the wheels meshes in a way, that they fit correctly?

So i’m still having this problem but now, after redoing my bones and checking everything is parented correctly about 10 times now, and exporting with the bones facing different axes to see if somehow that is causing the issue I guess the only thing I can do is accept that i’m not experienced enough with blender and UE4 to figure out why this is happening.

I have tried:
Exporting my vehicle with the Root bone set to X forward Z up, Exporting my vehicle with the Root bone at 0,0,0 and 0,0.1,0 (I read that having the bone at 0,0,0 causes the vehicle to bounce around which it was doing too, it’s really just a confusing mess at this point). Removing bones and having the wheel meshes parented to the body (I don’t know if i did this one right, the wheels and body imported as separate meshes with their own physics assets and skeletons). Exporting my vehicle with different wheel bones facing random Axes (this had the same result to the wheels as setting them to X forward Z up, I don’t know why)

There’s not much else I can find about people with the same problem so I’m pretty sure i’ve tried everything there is in the answers to similar questions, unless I’m missing something obvious. The screenshot I’ve added shows the wheels as they are right now in my project. This model was exported with what I understand was the right settings for UE4.