The image with the broken geometry is the Mobile Previewer and the one with the correct geometry is the editor. I packaged the project and the geometry was broken on my Android device as well. If I launch it as a windows application everything renders correctly.
Project Template : Blank - Mobile - Scaleable 2D / 3D - No Starter content
Geometry created in Autodesk Revit then exported as FBX after which I unwrapped UVs in 3DSMax using Steam Roller. Exported from 3DSMax as individual meshes using TSTools and then imported into UE4. Built lighting. Everything looks good in the editor and in the windows launcher but when I use the Mobile previewer the geometry is a mess. Same is the situation when the project is packaged and deployed to android device.
Any help would be great! I am an architect and don’t really know my way around Unreal to figure out what is wrong. Thanks!
Hi Ry_tO,
Because your geometry is somewhat complex, this may be a result of the “Scaleable 2D / 3D” settings attempting to optimize the mesh. I suggest 1 or both of the following:
- Selecting “Maximum Quality” instead of “Scaleable 2D/3D”
- Optimizing the mesh in the original 3D Program manually simplifying the geometry as much as possible.
Let me know if this does not resolve the issue,
Hi ,
Thanks for your response. I made the changes you advised but it did not resolve the issue. It’s been a recurring problem for a lot of the meshes I am trying to import.
Are there any settings I can modify in the FBX import dialogue? Is there any other file format I can use for the import which would lead to cleaner geometry?
Hey Ry_tO,
Would you mind sharing with me an image of your UV’s within the Static Mesh editor of this particular mesh, as well as the Build Settings you have applied?
Was this brought in all as one piece? You might want to look at breaking it up and simplifying to the point where it is easier to manage and makes more sense.
It looks like you have some overlapping and/or improper unwrapping which is causing this issue to occur.
What was the actual answer here? I have a similar problem when I try to run on Android.
Did you ever get a solution to this issue? I’m getting the same problem with one of my imports!
For me… what was said above about changing it to scaleable and the meshes being too complex was the issue. I drastically lowered the poly count for the meshes I modelled myself, they were ridiculously high. The combination of that and changing it to scaleable fixed my problem.
You’ve made my day. Thank you Gonze-o!