Why are my enemy bots not falling?

I have some enemy bots on a building that is fractured. When I shoot building bots stay in position where building was. How do I get bots to fall?

Hey ,

Are you using enemy bots that you’ve made from scratch, or ones from Content Examples?

ones in Shooter Game.

I tried this in Shooter Game and didn’t see a problem, which leads me to believe problem isn’t with bot but with Destructible Mesh. Are you using a Destructible Mesh as part of a Blueprint? If so, do you have an additional collider in there that might be catching character? If you don’t mind, I’d like to see some images for how you have your DM set up, your bot’s collision settings, and how you have it set in your level. Thanks!

I have some bots on building and set mesh to simulate physics. Then when I blow up building then fall. When I spawn bot on building it does not fall. I pause game and look at bot that is spawned and does not have simulate physics set, I did set it in spawning BP. If click simulate physics spawned bot falls. Very strange. And I have compiled and saved it.

I’m sorry, but I’m having a little trouble understanding what you’re doing.

  1. Is your building a Destructible Mesh, or a Blueprint with a Destructible Mesh component?
  2. When you say you “set mesh to simulate physics”, are you referring to building or to bot?
  3. If your bot starts in level and isn’t spawned in, does that works as intended and fall through destroyed building?
  4. Are you only having a problem if you spawn bot into level during Simulate or Play?

You mention turning Simulate Physics on for your bot. That shouldn’t be necessary. You’ll notice if you drag bot into level, position it above ground, and press Simulate, it will fall without Simulate Physics being enabled. This is because pawn has it’s own Movement component that is using gravity. Using Simulate Physics on it will cause problems as it conflicts with Movement component, and it shouldn’t be necessary.

So to test this, what I did was create a Destructible Mesh, dropped bot on top of it, created a radial force blueprint, and hit Simulate. radial force made DM crumble, and bot fell as expected. That was without adjusting anything on default bot.

Can you show me any pictures of your DM settings, your bot’s collision settings, and how you have it set in your level? Thanks!

I figured it out. I made new bot with a copy of one that comes from Shooter and needed to make original simulate physics and movable.