So I am making a an endless runner and i am to spawn enemies as you ride along but the problem is that there are no enemies spawning. i use the the unreal to [tutorial method (with some few changes) to spawn my enemies. i think the problem is with the fact that i generate my level with a blueprint class; i put my enemy spawner in the floortile class but nothing is happening.
this sequence is from the enemyspawner class
this sequence is from my game mode
when nothing was happening i put both of these sequences in my floortile class (where thelevel is generated continuously) but still nothing is spawning.
what am i doing wrong? or how can i spawn an enemy in the floortile class
im very thankful. it has solved the problem. the thing is the cars are not dropping they are just staying in the air in the tutorial the actors just drop on their own so whats going on with mine. I know this is a totally different but i have posted the question but it remains unanswered: is there a way to place nav mesh volume in the blueprint class where i am generating my level. i’ve tied dragging and dropping but it doesnt seem to work
Hey Hoodini Games-
Looking at your screenshot, the Spawn AI From Class is not being called because the Branch node is not connected to the actual event. If wiring the Branch node and Get All Actors of Class node together does not solve the problem, try adding some Print String nodes to find out where the execution is leading. For example, if you add a print string following the False path of the Branch node then you will know that the condition is not being met.
Make sure that your actors are set to movable and that they simulate physics.
I did but they are still no dropping
Since this issue is not related to the original problem of the enemies spawning it would probably be best to create a new post so that the details for this are not lost within the details of another issue. This will also make it easier to search in the future for others who may be having the same problem.