Why are enemy Flipbooks not loading on mobile?

Hi. I’m building a little Paper 2D game. My main character flipbooks, and spritemaps load, display and function correctly.

The issue at hand is, the enemy flipbooks/sprites don’t display, but the enemy does function. Basically, I now have invisible enemies.

It’s set to is visible. So what else can be causing this?

Hi guys. Looking for some advice on how to troubleshoot this issue? Thank you

Can you share your flipbook graphics?

Are the sprites in the flipbooks(sheet or otherwise) powers of 2 like 1024 x 1024?

Are the enemies rotated so that they face perpendicular to the screen?

Do you ONLY get this issue on mobile or do you get it playing in editor too?

Hey there!

I only get the issue on mobile. I’ve tested and replicated the issue on a Note 5, iPhone 4s, 5, and 6 Plus. Same issue occurs on each device.

One sec, gonna put some screen shots together for ya.

Thank you for sharing your assets and blueprints.

What are the pixel dimensions of the sprites in your flipbook?
Mobile is very particular about the pixel dimensions of textures, sprites included.

Mind sharing a screen shot of the sprite in your level too?

Here you go. A screenshot of the sprite details. Happy Easter!

Also, check out these details in the sprite blueprint. Where and how should I configure the dimensions?


I’ve uploaded a clip of the game simulating correctly on the PC, and another clip of the sprite disappearing on the mobile device.

I rearranged the characters so I can see an enemy on load, and I discovered it looks like the enemy disappears when he’s supposed to turn around. What usually causes that?

When you stream the Issue on Mobile video, notice the Enemy and his Heart Health disappear when he’s supposed to just turn around.

Check out the problem on my Note 5

[VIDEO Issue on Mobile][1]

[VIDEO Correctly working in the editor][2]


Hi everybody. I still haven’t resolved this. Your help is appreciated!

Hi, thank you for sharing but wow. This is really strange.
I’d still like to know how many pixels tall and wide the sprite atlas/sprite sheet for your enemy is.

But judging from your stream, you can get your sprites to appear for a brief moment which shouldn’t happen at all if the textures weren’t powers of 2.

Have you tried converting your sprite sheet textures to another material and applying that material to a static mesh?
If you don’t have any static meshes, add the starter assets to your project.


Could you please upload your logs from your device? To gather your logs, please follow these steps:

  • Go to: C:\android-sdk-windows\tools\Monitor.bat
  • Run Monitor.bat
  • Hook your device up to your computer
  • Run the program on the device
  • Gather the logs by highlighting them and saving them

If you do not highlight the logs first, they will not save.

Please also test in 4.11.0 and see whether or not this issue is still occurring. You may need to upload your assets as well.


Hi . Here are some more details.

The texture I extracted my sprites from is 256x256.

Taking your advice I deleted my sprites and flipbook, and re-extracted all sprites at 32x32. Also, of course, I then made a new walking flipbook. The issue still occurs.

I also tried different materials and meshes on the BP instead, and the same issue occurs.

Today I discovered the following error when debugging the game live on my Android: E/libEGL: called unimplemented OpenGL ES API

So, I’m starting to think it’s an OpenGL ES issue since it only happens on mobile. And all 3 iPhones and Android I tested.

Any idea how to resolve this error?.. E/libEGL: called unimplemented OpenGL ES API

Hi . I appreciate your help!

I tried in 4.11 and the same issue occurs.

I made two logs from Android Device Monitor while running the game. Let me know if there’s anything else I can provide to help resolve the issue.

Thank you!

[Error Log][1]

[Verbose Error Log][2]


Wow that’s way beyond my scope, sorry I can’t be of any more help. I hope you get this resolved!

Could you verify that you’ve enabled OpenGL ES 2.0 on your project? And also provide me with the logs from your iOS device by [following this link][1]. If you happen to have a sample project that you’ve replicated this in, please upload the project and provide me with the link. I’d also like to know whether or not this is occurring in 4.11.


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Thanks . I’ll get onto getting you those logs and sample.

Is there a way I can send you the sample project with a private link?

Also, how do I verify that OpenGL ES 2.0 is enabled?


This is the only thing I could find in relation to ES2. Is this what you were looking for whern it comes to OpenGL?