Why android package fails in UE5.3.2 ???

I followed each and every step mentioned in the official documentation : How to Set Up Android SDK and NDK For Your Unreal Engine Development Environment

but still, my packaging fails for the Android platform, but cooking succeeds.

Here’s my failed packaging log attached :
Log.txt (160.1 KB)

run the rungradle.bat from the Intermediate folder inside the project folder and download Android 13 in the android studio, mine works just with this…

The issue is right there in your logs…

====27-03-2024 13:26:12====PREPARING TO MAKE APK=================================================================
bBuildForES31: true
bSupportsVulkan: true
The SDK API requested 'android-33' not installed in C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk\platforms; Gradle will attempt to download it.
Building Java with SDK API level 'android-33'
Building with Build Tools version '34.0.0'

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