Why am I unable to launch any games?

When I try to launch any game (in this case a blank one), I get this log output:

LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception: AutomationTool.AutomationException: Failed to copy C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\4.11\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Game.pdb to C:\Users\Nathaniel Warner\Documents\Unreal Projects\LevelDesignProject\Saved\StagedBuilds\WindowsNoEditor\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Game.pdb
LogPlayLevel: at AutomationTool.CommandUtils.CopyFileIncremental(String Source, String Dest, Boolean bAllowDifferingTimestamps, Boolean bFilterSpecialLinesFromIniFiles)
LogPlayLevel: at Project.CopyManifestFilesToStageDir(Dictionary2 Mapping, String StageDir, String ManifestName, List1 CRCFiles)
LogPlayLevel: at Project.CopyUsingStagingManifest(ProjectParams Params, DeploymentContext SC)
LogPlayLevel: at Project.ApplyStagingManifest(ProjectParams Params, DeploymentContext SC)
LogPlayLevel: at Project.CopyBuildToStagingDirectory(ProjectParams Params)
LogPlayLevel: at BuildCookRun.DoBuildCookRun(ProjectParams Params)
LogPlayLevel: at AutomationTool.BuildCommand.Execute()
LogPlayLevel: at AutomationTool.Automation.Execute(List1 CommandsToExecute, CaselessDictionary1 Commands)
LogPlayLevel: at AutomationTool.Automation.Process(String[] CommandLine)
LogPlayLevel: at AutomationTool.Program.MainProc(Object Param)
LogPlayLevel: at AutomationTool.InternalUtils.RunSingleInstance(Func`2 Main, Object Param)
LogPlayLevel: at AutomationTool.Program.Main()
LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=1 (Error_Unknown)
LogPlayLevel: Domain_ProcessExit
LogPlayLevel: copying UAT log files…
LogPlayLevel: Completed Launch On Stage: Deploy Task, Time: 89.839612
PackagingResults:Error: Error Launch failed! Unknown Error

I don’t know why this is happening because I have not done anything weird with UE4, and I’ve tried reinstalling it multiple times. I’m running Windows 10 64 bit. The file that it says it “failed to copy” (UE4Game.pdb) actually does exist. Is this a bug of some sort?

Hey Nathaniel515,

Please open up the Epic Games Launcher and then go to Library > click on the down-ward arrow beside your engine version > Options > place a checkmark beside Editor symbols for debugging.

Once that’s installed, this error should clear up. Thanks!

Thanks! Didn’t realize I needed those editor symbols (they’re a large download)