Why am I seeing a seam on my mesh?

We have been working on a pillar in our game for about four days now, we had some previous issues that we ended up figuring out, but this has us confused. We have the material wrapped, but when we build light this strange seam appears. It’s not a problem with the uv’s, so we are a little confused? Pictures can be seen at this link.
it was requested that we share the file and the easiest way is through the answer hub, so that everyone can see the problem.

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This is technically a bump, I am still having this issue, I had a moderator for the forum load it up and he said he did not get the seam. though i did see a bit of a seam in the light hit the static mesh. It was requested that I load up the material that was applied, we did try a vector 3 material and the seam was still there (just to put that out there). Does anybody have any ideas, because I am running out of them.

Here is the material:
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Sorry for some reason it was giving me a bit of an issue. It should be in there now.

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lets try this again i sent it flipped, I hope this works because I had to export the map from the unreal because it seems to have been deleted off of my computer.

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I’m not sure if this ever got solved on the forums for you or not.

Looking at the mesh and the material the seam on the mesh is being caused not by the material but by the mesh and UVs that are not aligned.

Since you’re using stationary/static lighting this is being caused by the lightmap that is baking shadows. The UVs do not line up in a straight edge so the shadow bakes the seam in. This is why you see the edge seam only with Stationary and Static and not with movable lighting.

You will only need to adjust your lightmap UV to have straight edges.

I wouldn’t necessarily suggest this in most cases but if you up the lightmap resolution from the default 32 to 64 you’ll get better results for the main body of the mesh. If you up it to 128 the issue is resolved for the entirety of the mesh.

I hope this helps! :slight_smile:


yes it is resolved as of right now, we had to shrink the map down and it pretty much got rid of the seam. After a little bit of research, we discovered that it is almost impossible to get rid of seams completely. but there are tricks to hiding them. But thanks for all your help Tim and Fighter. However, we also recently just got rid of the burn marks that kept appearing (which was an issue that was addressed in the forums that was never truely resolved). thanks again.