Hey all,
I’m currently trying to bring across the character and animations from the Shooter Project off the marketplace into the Third Person demo. Everything was going smoothly until the animation blueprint. For some reason the character looks like it’s trying to conduct a bunch of different animations at one and it’s horribly distorted the model.
Running the animations directly however appears to work fine. I’ve copied across the animation blueprint from the shooter game and made a cast to my own character etc. So I’m wondering if the problem is there? Here’s the anim graph:
Anim Graph:
Event graph:
So yeah I’m pretty stumped as to what’s causing this animations distortion. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I would recommend double-checking the aim offset. (you can open it by rt-clicking in the AnimGraph and choosing Open Asset). Aim offsets are additive; so, if anything is incorrect with them, it can cause the entire animation to get really busted. All of the anim assets referenced by the AimOffset should be Mesh Space additives using the same animation as their additive base.
Let us know if it wasn’t the aim offset; it could be something else, but if all of your individual assets look good, that’s my first guess.
Good luck.
Thanks Ray,
I took a look at the AimOffset but I couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary (although I’m still pretty new to Unreal). I even removed the connection for AimOffset in the animgraph. The shape of the distortion changed, but it was still distorted. Here’s a screenshot of the AimOffset asset:
Hmmm. The aim offset looks good to me. I guess the next thing I would try would be to hook the output of your State Machine directly to the Final Pose of your AnimGraph and just bypass everything else. If it still looks broken, I would probably make a new AnimBP from your skeleton and then check your assets in there a piece or two at a time. For example, you could just plug your Idle animation into the Final Pose of your test AnimBP and see if that plays correctly. Then you could add your Aim Offset to that Idle, etc and see where it breaks down.
Hope that helps!
Just checked against the poses. It seems to be that anything that goes through “additive” messes the skeleton up. Individual poses seem to be fine. Matter of fact I can get all the animations to work without additive, but that means no AimOffset. Even with nothing being added it messes up. Here is the additive with a lower alpha and nothing being added:
Hmm, I don’t think you should leave the Apply Additive with no additive input like that, even for testing. There’s a node called ‘Apply Additive Identity Pose’ (or something like that) that you can connect to the Additive input which will basically feed it nothing.
As far as next steps, in addition to rebuilding your blueprint, I would look through your animation assets and make sure that only the anims that should be set to additive are. Also, on the ones that are additive, double-check that the additive base is correct and not an animation that’s on some other skeleton or something.
I have run into issues similar to this when retargeting anim assets from one skeleton to another. Everything would copy over and retarget great, but the additives would still be pointing to the Idle on the old skeleton.
Sorry for the trouble. I know weird bugs like this can drive you up the wall.
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I’ve even started rebuilding the blueprint from the ground up and that Apply Additive messes with the skeleton everytime.
Brilliant! That did it! It lost the Ref Pose data under Additive settings when it was transferred. Just needed to set the additive ref pose to Idle for the AimOffset animations. Phew! Thanks!