Why am I missing S_Actor and S_Trigger at runtime?

I am currently packaging a Server as well as a Game build that both have an error that brings up a prompt, but then continues to play normally. I am very confused as to how and why this is occuring. The following errors occur in Visual Studio right before the prompt appears complaining of the exact same thing.
Failed to find object ‘Texture2D /Engine/EditorResources/S_Actor.S_Actor’
Failed to find object ‘Texture2D /Engine/EditorResources/S_Trigger.S_Trigger’

Digging a little deeper I notice that both packages fail to load with errors like
Unable to load package (…/…/…/…/UE49/Engine/Content/EditorResources/S_Actor.uasset). Package contains EditorOnly data which is not supported by the current build or vice versa.
Unable to load package (…/…/…/…/UE49/Engine/Content/EditorResources/S_Trigger.uasset). Package contains EditorOnly data which is not supported by the current build or vice versa.

I even have these assets in my content directories of my packaged builds… and note that the filepath above references a directory that should have nothing to do with a packaged build. It is all very confusing.

I don’t want and probably don’t need either of these assets based on the fact that my game runs fine even with this error, In fact I even ask the packaging utilities specifically to not include junk like this, but here we are.

Please help! Thank you.

As it turns out it was exactly that I was not including editor only content in my game that was causing this problem. Simply enabling the cooker to cook these assets solves the issue, but it bring up what I believe to be another valid question:
Why is it called editor ONLY if it is used in cooked builds, and why is it a required part of the games we make?

Noticed the same when cooking a shipping build today. It seems like an oversight…