i have the following error while building ue4.3 on vs 2013.plz help.
Error 1 error code: -1073741701 C:\UnrealEngine-4.3.0-release\Engine\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\Error UE4
Error 2 error MSB3073: The command "..\..\Build\BatchFiles\Rebuild.bat UE4Editor Win64 Development" exited with code -1073741701.
Hi ,
Could you provide a little more information? What version of Visual Studio 2013 are you using? Did you download the correct dependency files for 4.3 (the files for 4.2 or 4.4 won’t work)? Could you copy and paste the full output you see in Visual Studio when you try to build the Engine?
i did exactly as u said. i also intalled june 2010 directx sdk. I am using vs express 2013.version 12.0.21005.1 REL. i tried to run buid.bat but showing-unrealbuidtool exception.error could’t find platform name.
Did you install the Windows Desktop version of Visual Studio Express 2013? Do you have any other versions of Visual Studio currently installed?
Could you please download the attached file and save it to an empty folder on your desktop. Remove the .txt
extension and run the file. It will create a new info.txt
file inside the folder. If you could upload that file here that could help determine what is going wrong.
Please check your VS120COMNTOOLS environment variable (located at Control Panel\System and Security\System -> Advanced system settings -> Environment Variables
). It should be pointing to the \Common7\Tools\
folder inside your Visual Studio installation.
yes the destop version.no other versions installed
link text
here is the info txt file
link text
i now tried to compile 4.3.1. but link textsame error
Could you please try re-downloading the source code and dependencies for version 4.3.1 and re-building the Engine? Make sure to delete everything you currently have in your Engine folder first.
Also, the source code for version 4.4.0 was released today, so you could try building that version of the Engine instead.
i rebuilded 4.3.1 no improvement.
I also, tried to run the “Build,bat” (…EngineBuildBatchFiles ) and it gives me this message:
“UnrealBuildTool Exception: ERROR: Couldn’t find platform name.”
I know you mentioned installing the DirectX Runtime, but could you please try installing it again?
Also, try un-installing and re-installing Visual Studio.
when "msvcr120.dll missing was shown"initially, i accidently copied msvcr120.dll 32 bit to sys32,yesterday when i copied msvcr120.dll 64 bit …everything began to work fine…no built error :-D…THANX