Why am I falling through the sub level on Launch but not play?

Hi guys,
I’ve got a persistent level from the 1st person template with many streaming sublevels. I can " play from here" just fine. However when I “Launch” I fall through the sub level. There is no geometry in the persistent level.


PS there is no entry on the wiki forPrecomputedVisibilityVolume

I placed on floor mesh with Collison in the persistent level under the player start and the launch worked. The persistent level loads first, and gravity affects the player immediately. Without any collision, the player will fall before the sublevels are loaded.

Freeze you character movement until the sublevel is fully shown, this is what I do, I disable player input and set the character movement to flying until the level is fully shown, then I re-enable input and set movement to falling, no more falling thru the level before the level loads.

Thanks Eham!


Just wondering how do you determine the level is “fully shown”?

I use

streaming level => IsVisible
streaming level => IsLoaded

both variable return true, but when I switch map in packaged build, my character still fall through floor for some reason…