I have noticed that when using Add Yaw Input
inside the controller it does nothing, while when putting it inside the Pawn itself it works normally:
I have noticed that when using Add Yaw Input
inside the controller it does nothing, while when putting it inside the Pawn itself it works normally:
You’re driving the tank, not the controller
Well, but in both cases the tank’s yaw, pitch and roll is controlled by the controller rotation, also they are the same node (Target is Player Controller, it shouldn’t behave different depending from where it’s called
Ahh, see what you mean…
So… should I report a bug or something like that?
I assume it’s something to do with possession. Maybe a bright spark will come along and explain…
Well, the GameMode has the Pawn and Controller configured. The Controller Tick is running correctly and the controlled pawn is the tank on the scene
maybe it’s the problem of Tick
Do you know why this is, @Everynone?..
I still have this same issue it works in the editor but not in the packaged game.