Why "Add Movemtn Input" (enhanced input system) doesn't work correctly, while "Add Controller Yaw Input" works?

I started to use enhanced input system for the first time in UE 5.3.2, and I met some issue. When I implementing IA_Look to rotate my custom pawn, it works. However, when implementing IA_Move, it print successfully but just doesn’t change the location. I tried to write the logic inside player controller instead of pawn (although I tried to write inside pawn it also doesn’t work).

My IA_Move declaration:

And my input mapping is:

I have compared my logic to the ThirdPerson Template and I still can’t find out why it doesn’t work…

I think a default pawn does nothing with movement input. You can use it with character though…

It does work. But you need a movement component to interpret the PC’s request. A Floating Movement Component is what usually goes into a custom pawn.

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Only thing that jumps out at me is the IA_Move should probably be a 2D Vector. In theory it could still work, but maybe the axes are being swizzled the wrong way around and it’s returning a null Z as the X??

well, I am designing a floating camera, so 3D Vector is alright and I made it work finally :slight_smile:

Absolutely right, I forgot the Pawn only provide possession but don’t have a movement component! Thanks a lot!

Yeah I have tried a character and it works, but I still want to use a pawn instead for more custom action…

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