Why a variable is true and false at same time?

Hi, i have this test variable that its False by default, whe i press T it changes its value:

But if i print it to screen its both false and true at same time after i press T:

Before pressing T:

After pressing T:

As you can see it prints true and false at same time.

If i set true by default, it only prints true before pressing T but after pressing T prints both true and false too.

Any ideas why this is happening?

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You have something else setting the variable.

No, the other boleans are havin the same behaviour, I created this testingVariable just for this question. i only use it in what you see in the prints

I did exactly the same thing. It doesn’t happen :slight_smile:

All my boleans are having this behaviour, do you think its a bug?

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It’s definitely not a bug.

Make a new level, with only this in the level BP. It won’t happen.

Something else is happening…

Try this, for instance ( right click )


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I only used this variable on what you see in the prints i made that variable just to show that isnt being triggered by anything else, i try to find references also, nothing there. ALL my bollean variable are behaving like this wich is super wierd

Try removing this

All I can tell you, is it is something you have coded. Somewhere.

There is no bug like this :slight_smile:

I guarantee it won’t happen in a new empty project, for instance.

I dont use the variable nowhere but here, as you can see in the references found.

Still get the same result

I dont wanna start a new project :sob: i want to fix this one

How big is the project, if you can zip it I’ll take a look. But you’re setting it :rofl:

its like 30gb right now XD


You’ve got more than one car.

When you edit the BP, this stuff goes into both of them.

How are you enabling input? I think one car is getting the T, the other not, but they’re both printing the variable…

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Omg, im not with the project opened right now, but i Think you right.

The car is a pawn and only takes the input when possesed. It all makes sense now i was going crazy about this

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Thank you vey much !!

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