I am facing a very annoying problem of speed when animating.
Generally happening after the third keyframe, whatever input time I setup, the speed increase insanely, and impossible to find a way to have a smooth animation, without loosing time by finding some workaround.
This has been reported already 3 years ago with the 2020.2 version of twinmotion, and yet, with the 2022.2, the problem still occur.
A clear answer from the Epic game team, on why this hasn't been taking care of, while has been reported by many, would be great.
Here one post about it, let without anything than basic unhelpful answer from the team.
Regarding how the camera should work in videos, as Andy answered in the linked post, the camera's speed during a video part should be constant, and this is defined by the length of the path the camera has to travel and how long the video part is. For example, if you have a video part that has three keyframes, is 30 seconds long, and has the camera travel 30 meters overall, with 10 meters each keyframe, then the camera will move at 1m/s and you should see a smooth scrub speed for the video during playback in the Dock. If you adjust the positions of the keyframes so that the total path is still 30 meters, but the distance from the keyframes isn't equal - something like 5 meters for keyframe 1, 10 meters for keyframe 2, and 15 meters for keyframe 3 - then the camera will still move at 1m/s, but the scrub speed of the video part in the Dock will look like it is slowing down, since each keyframe is no longer the same length. The camera speed should only adjust if you lengthen or shorten the path the camera has to travel during the video part by adjusting the camera position of the keyframes, or if you adjust the total duration of the video part.
If the camera actually is speeding up during a video part, then that would be a bug, and we would need an example of this happening in order to investigate this. If you have an example you can share, please submit a bug report here and share a copy of your Twinmotion file with our support team for further investigation.
Thanks Raghib for this fast and very detailed answer.
I can't recreate anymore this problem, which the only reason I can think of, would be to not have restarted my computer (which wasn't required) after having installed the 2022.2 update.
And to be more precise about what I have listed in my first post, the acceleration of speed was happening right in the middle of the third & fourth keyframe (on different projects), and when I write acceleration, it was like taking 9 Gs in a second!
So the problem seems to be solved.
However (if I may) , I would highly suggest to implement a time remap option " between keyframe" (not only per sequence), to give us the possibility to have a better control over speed animation, in a much more easy way.
Thanks for letting me know. If you do notice the issue come up again, please submit the bug report and we can investigate further, as an acceleration like that should definitely not be happening.
Thanks for your feedback as well. I recommend submitting your feedback on our Public Roadmap here, as this is the best place to submit feedback for new feature requests or enhancements. If the developers feel that this is a feature that can be added, it will be added to the roadmap for active development.
I agree with Pixel07. We should have a time remap option to have better control over the camera speeds. Please look to Lumion for an example of how this could easily be integrated.