who can help to deal the Raw edge of widget in quest2!

when i build the 3D widget in ue, it be like this:

but in oculus quest2, it’s like this:

who can help me to deal this question, thx!

@SupportiveEntity can your help me? i can’t find any way to sovle this :sneezing_face:

Hey there @rihardwei1231! Is the issue the edges being jagged or the portraits being jagged?

@SupportiveEntity Sorry :sneezing_face:, I clicked by mistake to solve, the problem is the rough edge of the border

I gotcha, so this is likely down to the antialiasing for the entire project. Are you building for PC and using the Q2 or are you building for the Q2 directly? (this determines if you’ll be using the normal or mobile anti aliasing.)

@SupportiveEntity it’s for Q2, and it’s works very well for PC, but not in Q2…

Alright, so head on over to Project Settings->Rendering-> Mobile and change the Mobile Anti-Aliasing method to MSAA and see how it runs and if it smooths the edges out a bit. You may also need a slightly higher scalability level to see it in effect (medium or better if I remember correctly).

yes, i’v set this like you, but it’s still not working, i think it’s ue’s bug :sneezing_face: