Who all is attending Unreal Academy in Raleigh?

Hiya folks,

My name’s Armando AKA iamisandisnt

I don’t post on here much but I use the forums constantly as a learning/debugging resource, so thank you all for your contributions and such! I do chat occasionally in the Unreal Slackers discord and I have a twitch/youtube channel you can check out where I livestream my solo work in blueprints making a multiplayer RPG (my first program, lol).

Curious who else is attending the Unreal Academy sessions in Raleigh in a couple of weeks?

I’m coming into UE from an indie film background personally, and I’ve written my next screenplay with a scene based on incorporating some of the VR and run-time CGI demonstrated by Epic.

I had a blast at GDC earlier this year and I’m excited to meet more Epic staff, other filmmakers, gamedevs and artists of all backgrounds!

So who’s showing up and staying late? :smiley:

I’ll be there! Coming from an architecture/product/mechanical visualization background and looking to speed up my transition into UE4 for rendering. See you there!

There are 300 people with another 300 on waiting list hoping someone will pass on this chance. A lot of interesting companies going, so I expect the networking to be very valuable to everyone. Looking forward to the conversations.

Do you plan on running this again? I really would love to be part of the class but its closed. :frowning:


Based on the response, I can say two things:

  1. Yes, we’ll do it again
  2. We’ll move it to a larger place that can handle a bigger crowd

We’re also considering an EU version, but no planning for that yet.

Wow, cool factoids there! I can’t wait to leave with an in-depth knowledge of motion-capture VR shenanigans :smiley:

:buckles up for the ride:

Well, that was incredibly awesome, and now I’m very tired. Thanks, Epic!!!

Thanks for the words. I hope others weigh in on what they thought of the event.

I tend to be a very vocal minority, but I left you some feedback on the e-mail survey. Did some video interviewing at Humble Pie, too! Considering the wide range of experience present, I thought the sessions did a great job at summarizing the basics while expanding on details for those with more experience. There were sessions I knew nothing about and sessions I felt like a pro comparatively, but they were all worthwhile!

Edit: I just realized I left a lot of feedback on the experience of the event itself, but as for academy learning, I was really hoping to get some learning in on setting up a live CGI setup like this:

Thanks for the feedback.

I would like to extend to Epic Games a hardy thank you for the incredible time had at the Unreal Academy.

The event truly lived up to the name Epic. Everything was over-the-top, from the multi-room hotel suits and the sumptuous meals, to the parties in the evenings, to the transportation provided back and forth; it would seem you spared no expense. And truly, all of that was just the icing on the cake. The real treat was the massive amounts of knowledge imparted by the folks at Epic, who did so in a meaningful and professional manner, and also by the attendees themselves. The camaraderie, networking and friendships made added even more potential to an already explosive event.

I found the keynotes to be exciting and inspiring, compelling me to push to realize my own potential in using the Unreal Engine. The pacing of the event was challenging, but perfect. The lectures and hands on workshops offered and delivered exactly what they promised. The staff was at all times cheerful and exceedingly helpful. The swag bag was nice too. :slight_smile:

I certainly look forward to attending more of these events in the future.

Thank you Epic Games for once again showing your true desire to see this community prosper.

I agree that this was an amazing event! I learned a ton, and met some really cool people. It’s so nice to talk with people who get why real-time and game engine tech is so important to the design process. Anyway, my only real complaint is I wish could get into all the classes I wanted, and I also wish would could have access to all the class materials (slides) and datasets via download. I stupidly forgot to bring my usb drive to grab the files from the hands on labs when we were done.

Can’t wait for the next one!

I would like to thank Epic as well for putting on a great program. The logistics (hotel, registration, badging, etc) that often get overlooked were stellar. Having put on hundreds of sales meetings of up to 1000 people, I know how hard the behind- the-scenes teams work to make a flawless experience for the attendees.

The classes were generally good, but the hands-on sessions went a bit fast. I’m not an experienced UE4 person, andsome of the instructors’ explanations were a bit hard to see on the monitors and projector. I agree with Chris and hope that the presentations, projects, handouts and other materials (especially videos of the sessions) will be made available to the attendees. I learned so much, and am ready to do it again!

In a few weeks we will post videos, slide decks and files used for whatever we have rights to redistribute, for attendees.