Which texture packing solution is the industry standard?

So over the years i’ve come across various ways to setup my PBR maps in various programs.

Obviously for most projects having seperated maps for each is best, but for unreal engine I know packed textures are good to use to reduce memory and storage space.

Since I started using packed textures in unreal i’ve been using ORM (occlusion, rough, metal) maps, with a seperate displacement map, base color, and normal.

However I recently found that some including megascans use a ORD map (D being displacement).

My question being, what is the general industry standard when it comes to AAA games, movie studios using unreal, and architectural renders etc?

My current plan is to use these maps going forward:
1. Base Color (RGB 8bit sRGB)
2. ORMD (RGBA 16bit Linear) (occlusion, rough, metal, displace)
3. Normal (RGB 16bit Linear)

but if theres a better way please let me know